A required Statement of Purpose is needed for admission to the Doctor of Leadership program at the University of Jamestown. It should provide a narrative overview of the applicant's biography, career plan, and goals related to this program. The statement should demonstrate motivation, maturity, judgment, and creativity, along with clear articulation of personal and professional objectives. It should showcase scholarly strengths and areas for improvement, as well as the ability to express concepts concisely and communicate effectively in standard written English.
Format and Editorial Style of the Statement of PurposeThe Statement of Purpose must be typed or created using word-processing software, utilizing a readable 12-point font and double-spacing. It should include a title page and adhere to the editorial style outlined in the latest edition of the APA Publication Manual. The statement should be no more than 1,000 words.
As you probably have seen in your career, trust, integrity, and credibility are paramount to build your foundation as a leader. That is why character is so crucial in leadership. All the leadership academic programs in the University of Jamestown Unruh School of Character in Leadership focus on developing this key leadership quality. In this paper, we ask you to provide your thoughts, backed by findings in scholarly literature, on why having character and developing it in your followers matters as a leader. Please provide at least 10 scholarly sources in your paper, with proper source synthesis throughout, to defend your reasoning. In addition, please provide a brief overview of your philosophy regarding character in leadership. Please provide an introduction section with proper title header (which would include the exact title found on your title page), any pertinent sections (with section headers) related to the topic, a section including your philosophy regarding character in leadership, a brief conclusion section overviewing your paper, and reference pages including all references used to develop/write your paper. Please make sure to cite all references from the reference pages in your paper. Lastly, this paper should be at least three pages, which does not include the title page and reference pages. Format and Editorial Style of the Academic Writing Sample The Academic Writing Sample must be typed or created using word-processing software, utilizing a readable 12-point font and double-spacing. It should adhere to the editorial style outlined in the latest edition of the APA Publication Manual.
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