Financial Aid for Online Students
Learn about the different types of financial aid available for online students at UJ Accelerated.
Investing in your future
We believe everyone should have the opportunity to attend a private, liberal arts university. That’s why our team goes above and beyond to ensure you both understand financial aid and can make the most of your financial aid package. When we say we’ll walk you through the process of applying for and managing your aid, we mean it. Request more information to get started.
Types of Aid
University of Jamestown Accelerated provides financial support through the CEAL (Career Education & Alternative Learning) program from The Bank of ND offers. These loans cover tuition only and pay for a student to participate in a certificate program at University of Jamestown Accelerated
These loans are available to all US citizens studying at University of Jamestown Accelerated. You must begin repaying your loan six months after you complete or leave the program, typically over a 10-year repayment plan. The minimum loan amount is $500; the maximum loan amount is $25,000.
To get started, you can contact our team for help or complete the application directly with the Bank of ND.
Many employers will help with enrollment fees. Contact our Director of Business Affairs, who can work with your employer to determine how they might be able to help pay for some or all of your enrollment fees.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a federally funded program that provides training assistance to eligible individuals through Job Service North Dakota. Tuition, books, fees, and supplies can be paid for through programs administered by Job Service North Dakota.
To get more information and determine your eligibility, contact your nearest Job Service North Dakota office or contact our team for help.
Different forms of aid exist for individuals who have served or are currently serving in the military, as well as for their family members. Learn more about military benefits.
Who to Contact

Katie Dunphy
- Financial Aid Counselor
Financial Aid Office
The Financial Aid Office is open M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. It is located on the lower level of Liechty Center/Taber Hall.