General Education Requirements
Learn why general education makes all the difference at UJ Accelerated. Plus, find out what gen eds are required to earn your specific degree.
A solid foundation for your future.
Any school can teach you the technical skills of a job. UJ Accelerated takes it one step further by also instilling in you the skills employers truly need: leadership, communication, and problem solving. We do this, in part, through general education.
These courses aren’t necessarily meant to make you discover new interests. Instead, they force you to move across disciplines and understand how different areas of study influence each other—helping you develop crucial skills, like:
- Critical thinking
- Written and oral communication
- Leadership
- Moral and civic responsibility
- Global perspectives
- Quantitative reasoning and research
- Personal wellness
General Education requirements for Graduate and Professional Studies
Use the Thinkers, Communicators, and Citizens tables below to view which courses fulfill each general education requirement.
Total Credit Hours: 39-42
Total Credit Hours: 39-42
Note: A single course may not be used to satisfy more than one general education course requirement. A single course may be used to satisfy both a major/minor course requirement and a general education course requirement.
Total Credit Hours: 39-42
Note: A single course may not be used to satisfy more than one general education course requirement. A single course may be used to satisfy both a major/minor course requirement and a general education course requirement.
Total Credit Hours: 39-42
Note: A single course may not be used to satisfy more than one general education course requirement. A single course may be used to satisfy both a major/minor course requirement and a general education course requirement.